Call us and give us a quick overview of your idea. Based on our expertise and experience, we give a first assessment and discuss key success factors with you. Additionally we look at typical challenges regarding scope, positioning, business model and other elements of your envisioned mobile solution. We can also send you an NDA (non-disclosure-agreement) to make sure your confidential information stays confidential.
2. Additional information
If available, you can send us more information or documents after our initial conversation and the exchange of the NDA. These could be design, specification or simply a more detailed description via email. We will discuss these in the team and complement everything from our experience.
2. First estimates and fine-tuning
We will send you an initial estimate based on the information provided in a timely manner. This will already contain a first technology proposal, a budget range and a rough time plan. Of course with no obligations for you. We endeavour to give you a basis for a well informed decision.
4. Offer and contract
Now, we can put together a fix offer. Absolutely no obligation for you, but binding for us. This should give you a basis for your decision – and the best, we confirm the resources and the time plan. Usually we aim at implementing a first market-ready version within 3-4 months. If you sign the offer, it converts to a binding contract.
5. Project
The project usually starts with a design phase and a detailed specification to enable us to start with implementation as soon as possible. We work using agile methodology … this means we work in relatively short “scrums” and are able to give you intermediate results very soon. This gives you the chance to give us early feedback and influence the course of the project as we go along.
6. Launch and operations
Towards the end of the project we will focus with you on user acceptance testing. We will support the approval processes in the app stores and prepare the market launch with you. In many cases, we support the launch and the operations of the backend and plan with you the next steps. Now the real journey begins … the most valuable feedback usually comes from the real users of your app.